Aon's 4th Manufacturing Industry Conference 2019
Organization, Performance & Rewards
We are pleased to announce Aon’s 4th Manufacturing Industry Conference and invite you to experience the insights and knowledge of one of the most renowned stalwarts in the industry.
Given the disruption and change on the business side on one hand due to AI, Digitalization, and Technology, on the other due to Economic, Geographic and Environmental factors - it is increasingly becoming important for organizations to re-think their people strategy.
We have observed organizations adopting very unique and different measures to manage their workforce and present an opportunity for you to have a glimpse at what successful ones did.
This conference would focus on three critical aspects of HR:
1. Organization (Effectiveness)
2. Performance (Management)
3. (Total) Rewards
The speakers would be Chief Executives and HR Heads of distinguished organizations.
With this context and in our constant endeavour to empower you with thorough research and imminent insights in the HR space, we are glad to invite you to Aon's 4th Manufacturing Rewards Conference.
Join us in this initiative to hear from experts on how to tackle these issues, explore pan-industry practices on organization grit, optimizing efficiency, the future of HR and much more!
Aon Manufacturing Industry Conference 2019
20th February 2019