Speaker Profiles
Chief Culture Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer, Chief of Business Excellence,
Tata Power and Independent Director, Walwhan Renewable Energy
Career Facts and Other Highlights
As Chief Culture Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer in Tata Power, Vivek Talwar drives Organisational Transformation, Business Excellence, Sustainability and Customer Affection, and has played a pivotal role in the transformation of both Tata Chemicals (the company he served from 1984 to 2007) and Tata Power in terms of change management, leading to both these companies winning the coveted JRDQV award for Business Excellence in the Tata Group.
Vivek uses the methodology of creating a fusion of the tangibles and the intangibles of organizational aspects to bring in deep organizational transformation. This approach for organizational transformation was effectively used by him in when he was leading HR for a unit of Tata Chemicals, and is now being used to drive culture in Tata Power.
Vivek, apart from working for Tata Power, contributes his time as a resource for Tata Quality Management Services as a team leader in Business Excellence assessments, as well as a mentor for assessment teams. He has been a leader for ten Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM) external assessment teams (six of them being international entities), and a mentor for four TBEM assessments.
Vivek has trekked extensively in the Himalayas and the Canadian Rockies and has also traveled to some remote wilderness areas, including the rain forests of Borneo, the Peruvian Amazon. Vivek has journeyed from the vast white remote wilderness and elemental forces of Antarctica to the pristine, fragile wilderness of the Arctic. Vivek had led Tata Chemicals’ campaign of conserving the Whale Shark, the largest fish in the world. This project won the coveted Green Governance Award for Tata Chemicals, conferred upon the company by the Prime Minister of India.
Vivek is a wildlife and nature photographer, and his slide shows that give a message of environmental conservation have been presented to institutions across India, Europe and North America.
Aon Hewitt Manufacturing Industry Rewards Conference 2017
23rd November 2017
The Leela, Gurgaon
10:00 am to 5.00 pm.