Aon India's Talent and Rewards Conference 2023


10:00 am – 10:15 am Opening Address
Nitin Sethi, CEO, Human Capital Solutions, India, Aon
10: 15 am – 10:45 am Keynote Address
10:45 am – 11:30 am How successful organisations manage talent volatility?
The care for reimagining job constructs: As tools like ChatGPT become more ubiquitous, it will replace a lot of mundane transactional work humans do in their jobs, the construct of the jobs need to be rethought of and newer jobs need to be created. How do organizations rethink job constructs and evaluate their readiness for the new world order, how does this change traditional views on level hierarchies, careers.
11:30 am – 11:45 am Tea Break
11:45 am – 12:30 pm Breakout Sessions:
  Rewards Track:
Managing pay in times of economic flux
Reimagine rewards for the new job construct: Where do these jobs lie in the following continuums and is the current way of managing pay really suited for the new job construct or what do we need to do on pay to make it more future fit.
Talent Track:
The leadership makeover
The role of leadership persona will be introduced in the context of current market dynamics to demonstrate how a tailored approach to leadership will ensure organization transformation and establish a unique cultural DNA – The return  of the King
12:30 pm – 01:15 pm Breakout Sessions:
  Rewards Panel:
CHRO/Rewards Head Roundtable
Evolution of rewards philosophies/teams for a technology first world
Talent Panel:
Tailored Fit for Leadership
Market shifts and life stage of organizations tend to dictate the leadership personas in today’s time. How are organizations planning and potential talent pools differently given the new normal is an evolving point of view. Gearing up to cope with their succession planning and potential talent pools differently given the new normal is an evolving point of view.
01:15 pm – 02:00 pm Lunch Break  
02:00 pm – 02:45 pm Breakout Sessions:  
  Rewards Track:
Managing Executive Pay in uncertain economic conditions
Aligning Executive Compensation to drive large scale transformation: How do you ensure that Executives of organizations are focused on the long term change they are driving and not focused on immediate short term share price which affects their earnings, how do you fundamentally focus executives to long term transformation while enduring short term pain.
Talent Track:
Fragile to Agile: Is your workforce ready?
02:45pm – 03:30 pm Breakout Sessions:  
  Rewards Panel:
NRC Roundtable
Keeping executives aligned to long term decision making
Talent Panel:
03:30 pm – 03:45 pm Tea Break  
03:45 pm – 04:15 pm Building a Futureproof Workforce
Managing Careers to drive more holistic problem solving: How should we rethink how careers are built, how they are grown outside what makes common sense to ensure organizations are rapidly able to build broad problem-solving capabilities
04:15 pm – 04:30 pm Closing Note