X Staff: upset with inequitable decisions and poor communication
X HR: working long hours getting and correcting data, frustration at managers ignoring policy
X Managers: find they have the wrong team data and have to wait for new spreadsheets
X Finance: have no idea how the budgets are being spent until it is all over, and too late
X Payroll: receive files in formats that make it difficult to update the payroll data
X IT: grappling with the security and logistics of
numerous large, sensitive spreadsheets being sent throughout the network
XCEO/Senior management: waiting weeks before the HR department has been able to analyze all of the data
√ Staff: feel remuneration review is well controlled (clear, fair, process-oriented)
√ HR/Payroll: know policy is being followed properly, can easily set budgets at company, department or manager level and can monitor the process in real time
√ Finance: can keep a track on budget vs spend during and after the review, and monitor this in real time with customized reports
√ IT: require no management of the application and it fits safely and easily into any corporate IT infrastructure
√ Line management: know exactly what their budget is. Traffic lights allow for overspend within reason
√ CEO/Senior management: see the business strategy controlling outcomes for remuneration (e.g. performance, pay, cost control)